Thank you for your booking

Your booking is now complete, and details will be emailed to you, including information on how to cancel. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Before You Arrive: Complete Waiver Form

If you have not completed our Waiver, please do so before you arrive to save time. Each participating adult is required to complete this form. Options to complete on behalf of Under 16s are also available below.
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Your Details

Over 16's (if completing for yourself) + Guardians

Your Children's Details

Do you need to add any children you're responsible for?

Medical Information / Existing Injuries

Failure to inform us of any medical condition puts you at risk and we accept no liability

Emergency Contacts

Add second emergency contact?

Waiver & Agreement

Pitt Street Skatepark user agreement
Pitt Street Skatepark user agreement
At Pitt Street Skatepark (PSS) the following measures will demonstrate the Organisation’s commitment to safety as well as adding additional safeguards to the people who make use of the facility.
There are staff present at all times to supervise the facility.
When the skate park is open to the public we have a qualified first aider present on site
Marshalls are present within the skatepark at all times
The centre and skate park are overseen by CCTV to cover any incidents in the park.
Full Risk assessments have been completed and daily checks are carried out on the park and equipment.
We are fully covered with public liability insurance. Please understand that bmxing, scootering, skateboarding, inline skating, roller skating, all other wheeled sports are dangerous and can result in injury or death.
Terms and conditions for use of the skate park:
● All participants under 16 must wear safety helmets. We strongly recommend additional safety equipment such as wrist guards & knee pads. We recommend helmets to be worn by all.
● All participants must have completed our medical consent form (see below) before entering the skatepark.
● All participants must provide medical history (see below) and will inform the PSS staff if anything changes, including previous injuries and medical conditions.
● The park and equipment must be used as intended. Ramps and equipment are not to be moved or modified in any way.
● No food or drink can be taken into the skate park; this must be consumed in the designated spectator areas.
● Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to participate in any wheeled sports/activities.
● No smoking is permitted in the premises.
● No alcohol is to be consumed in the skatepark or multi rink.
● Any behaviour which causes the participant or others danger, will result in the
participant being asked to leave the park with no refund of park fees.
● It is accepted that bmxing, scootering, skateboarding, inline/roller skating and
all other wheeled sports are dangerous and can result in injury or death.
● All participants are responsible for their own actions and their involvement in
this activity.
● All BMX’s and scooters must have end caps and plastic pegs.
● Solid frame scooters only.
● No person with a temporary brace, cast, or medical support will be permitted
to use the skate park. (Please ask for details if required.)
● If a person sustains a head injury while at PSS they will not be granted entry
into the park for a min of 5 days following doctors advice.
● All participants and spectators accept the risk of using the skate park.
● Spectators are aware that there is the potential for skateboards, scooters and
BMXs to fly off in all directions. Care and attention should be paid at all times.
● All participants consent to photos and film being taken by the PSS staff and used on the website/Facebook/instagram and for publicity. (Please speak to
us if you are not happy with this.)
● PSS is not responsible for supervision of people on the park, but we do have
staff and volunteers on site to assist if an incident occurs.
● Minimum age for park is 12 unless accompanied by an adult.
● In the event of a fire participants and spectators will make their way to the
nearest fire exit and assemble at Clarence Street car park. Skatepark staff will
be there to evacuate you safely and provide further instructions.
● No private coaching sessions other than by our in house coaches are to take
place. Anyone found to be doing so will be asked to leave the premises.
● Pitt Street Skatepark is intended as a fun and safe space for everyone. Discrimination or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Anyone found to be in breach of this will be asked to leave and subsequently banned from the
● Have a rad time!

I hereby acknowledge that I have read the terms and conditions fully and agree to be bound by them. I understand that use of the facilities at PSS involves risk and can result in injury and/or death.
If under 16, I agree to wear a suitable safety helmet at all times when in the skate park.
I confirm that the member(s) named is fit to participate in wheeled sports.. The member(s) is in general good heath at the time of signing.

I hereby consent to medical assistance being given to the named member by suitably trained staff members and/or volunteers and understand that Emergency Services may be called if the team deem it necessary.
In the event of an injury or an accident, a member of the PSS staff will contact the emergency contact to inform them of what has happened. I also confirm that if any relevant medical condition develops after signing that I will inform the PSS staff and add the information to this form.

You must tick at least one of the following.